Remote Job Openings
Accurate愛客獵 - 1111高階獵才中心

『Accurate愛客獵』為1111人力銀行旗下專屬獵才服務品牌,瞄準國際化高階人才需求激增,提供技術型、整合型、決策型等多元化人才,為全球企業提供專業、精緻化的高規格獵才服務。 如有中高階職位或專業技能徵才、求職需求歡迎與我們連繫。諮詢專線:02-2767-1111

  • 人才保密轉職
  • 企業菁英獵才

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The Slasify job board is a completely free and open platform. The Slasify group and all its subsidiaries DOES NOT review any company or job opening information. All applicants should evaluate the legitimacy of the job opening before applying or sending their resumes.