
STACS (Hashstacs Pte Ltd) 是一家總部位於新加坡的金融科技公司並且致力於環境、社會和治理金融科技(ESGFinance)。新加坡金融管理局 (MAS)指定STACS為 合作夥伴, 開創ESGpedia項目。這項目提供ESG綠化數據,通過資產和證書數位化科技引領前進 。

STACS 為 ESG 金融提供數個行業的 ESG 數據和平臺。該平臺也提供專業的碳排放量數據抵消系統以減少行業的碳排放量。 我們的客戶與合作夥伴包括全球投資銀行、國家證券交易所、託管銀行、資產管理公司和私人銀行。此外STACS 是新加坡金融管理局頒發的 2020 年全球金融科技創新挑戰賽的兩次獲獎企業。

STACS (Hashstacs Pte Ltd) is a Singapore-headquartered FinTech company focused on ESG FinTech, in partnership with the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Project Greenprint for ESGpedia which powers the Greenprint ESG Registry. STACS serves as the Nexus of ESG Finance with ESG data across multiple industries and digital tools for the financial sector to scale decarbonisation financing, as well as a platform to provide high-quality carbon offsets to mitigate residual emissions. Its clients and partners include global financial institutions and corporates.

STACS is an Award Winner of the MAS Global FinTech Innovation Challenge Awards 2020, and a two-time awardee of the Financial Sector Technology and Innovation (FSTI) Proof of Concept (POC) grant, under the Financial Sector Development Fund administered by the MAS.

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