Nexraid Consulting Pte Ltd

Company Introduction

Nexraid (formally known as Feezmodo) is a leading technology consulting firm based in Singapore. As a pioneer in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud technology, we specialise in innovative technology solutions for enterprise to accelerate digital transformation journey without disrupting business operations. We believe that technology should work automagically with minimum user intervention. Mundane business processes should be automated to optimise productivity. We also protect your data and intellectual property from both external and internal threats. For two consecutive years, Nexraid has won the "Microsoft Singapore Technology for Good Partner Award" in 2017 and 2018. Nexraid is also listed as one of the "Top 10 Cloud Solution Provider" in 2018 by CIOAdvisor.


Data Protection Notice for Job Applicant

By applying this job, you have agreed to our Data Protection Notice for Job Applicants available on our website: https://docs.nexraid.com/data-protection/ntc04-notice-for-job-applicants

Equal Opportunity Employer Statement (公平僱用機會聲明)

Nexraid is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We wish to evaluate all candidates based on their suitability for the role. Education level and results do play a part in our evaluation process but it isn't our main criteria. However, we will need all candidates to have basic English proficiency and industry experience (full time, part time or internship).

We hope to understand your experience and how much you have grown throughout your career. We would also like to hear about your future career aspiration, your working habits (9-5 strictly, during midnight etc) and ability to travel aboard when required by the role. This will help us to understand the best way to start and maintain this partnership.

Interview process typically takes around 1 to 1.5h conducted in English. Webcam is not required. We recommend candidates to set aside minimum 2 hours of their time for the interview. You are allowed to search for answers or translation during the interview.

Please remove all personal particulars that are not related to your technical skills or experience. Example: gender, age, nationality and photo.

Your CV should include the following

  • Your full name and email address
  • Residential time zone based on GMT (e.g. GMT+8 for Singapore, Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan)
  • Language and dialect proficiency (English, Mandarin, Cantonese etc)
  • Professional experience and clearly state your personal contribution to the team or project
  • Education background and clearly state your personal contribution to the team or project
  • Your artwork portfolio or GitHub repository and clearly state your best maintained project.
  • If you do not have an open-source project, please pick one from open-source community and explain why you like this project and how you would do things differently.
SLASIFY 平台的职位信息看板为一个完全自由开放的信息交换平台,SLASIFY 集团及其所有分子公司及其成员不会为任何企业、求职者信息做出审核及担保。请求职者自行评估是否适合投递简历。